Brucie helping with the gardening!
Posted October 9, 2012 11:22 am
Brucie was adopted back in 2009 from AABR, his mom just sent us this awesome pic and an update!
AABR featured @ the Larson's Wedding!
Posted October 8, 2012 10:50 am
Back in 2009 a very special couple adopted our "Stimpy!" They tied the knot last month and surprised us with a very special donation while also featuring our bullies/organization at their Vegas Wedding! Check out their pics here: http://
The #1 question AABR is asked is....
Posted August 19, 2012 5:29 pm
QUESTION: It amazes me the need of so many bulldogs needing rescue in Florida! Is the state a high puppy mill area or something? Or maybe I don't notice the abundance of abandoned bullies in other areas
Our Answer: The overpopulation down here (in South Florida) is like nothing I've ever seen and I have been from coast to coast, north and south. At Miami Dade Animal Services they get an average of 100-150 dogs and cats a DAY. They can't turn away any animal. What that means is that 100-150 animals are put to sleep each day to make room. It's hard to keep up with the animals that need help. Just the past week alone, we have taken in 5 English Bulldogs!
Posted July 19, 2012 11:17 am
PLEA FOR HELP: Injured Frenchie!!!
Posted July 19, 2012 10:59 am
8-1-12 Update: We are excited to share these new pics of Mr. Frenchie with you!!! He is doing so incredible well in foster care with Junie (A previous AABR rescue) and the two are hitting it off so well! We even believe his astonishing recovering is due in part to her companionship (and the effors of a fabulous foster mommie!)
7-25-12 "Mr. Frenchie" Update: Mr. Frenchie is in great spirits and so very happy in Adopt-A-Bull Rescue foster care! He enjoys receiving lots of love and cuddles just as much as he wants to give them back! He will literally lean his body into your arms with all his weight during cuddle time and melts right into you. He's turns into a fluffy, Frenchie puddle of love! He is extremely friendly and energetic despite his current condition; he even walks great on a leash! For all this little guy has been thru, it amazes us how well he is adapting to his new life in foster care.
7-20-12 FRENCHIE UPDATE: Frenchie had a very comfortable, restful night at the vet. Thank goodness. He was so exhausted from the stress of the shelter and the pain of his injuries that he slept in the backseat of Mommie Beth's car almost from the instant we got on the highway yesterday. The bandages have been removed from his body and to our horror it seems that he was either thrown from a moving car or was set on fire. The burns on his right side look so painful!! His right paw also has gnarly injuries including part of his pad being burned or scraped off. He will remain at the vet until at least Monday in order to allow for sterile bandage changes.
As a 501c3 not-for-profit organization we rely on your donations in order to provide the medical care that dogs like Frenchie needs. Because your donation are so vital we would like to offer you a fun reward; everyone that donates to Frenchie's care has the chance to be the one that names him. Click on our PayPal link or the ChipIn Widget above to donate (any amount) and in the "Comment" section put your suggestion for his new name. We will put all the suggestions into a basket and will pick one at random. We will announce the winner on Facebook. If you have already donated and want to play, send Beth a message at with your suggestion.
Adopt-A-Bull Rescue was presented with a very unique opportunity today by our local high-kill animal shelter. We were given the choice to save a dog, a dog desperately in need of immediate care due to injuries sustained by an unknown cause, BUT he's not an English Bulldog, he is listed by the county as a French Bulldog. Although we have no more available foster homes currently, 2 already boarding at our vet's office, one living at my law office (Stanley), and the one we got yesterday hiding out at my house (because I'm over my HOA limit), we are taking a HUGE step of faith that the resources necessary to take on this new frenchie and sustain the existing dogs we already have in our program will start to roll in from our special 5th birthday fundraiser that was snail mailed out this past Saturday/Monday. Our facebook followers and supporters are an integral part of our success. Your words of encouragement, cross-postings, and local foster assistance combined with the monetary donations you make to further our rescue efforts are absolutely essential and appreciated! Thank you for your continued support!!! It's not always comfortable asking for donations, yet I find myself asking again - Would you please help support our newest rescue intake (as of today), our new frenchie boy... we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, Mommie Erica
Gorda our BUSH BULLIE!
Posted June 14, 2012 9:16 am

Mason has been adopted!!!! And he has a fan club!
Posted June 13, 2012 10:59 am
Remember skinny sick Mason?? (Scroll down a few entries for his story) Well, he has been adopted and is the HIT of his new neighborhood!
Fabulous News about Gorda, aka. Our precious little Bush Bullie.
Posted May 31, 2012 6:08 pm
The outpouring of support has been tremendous & we are so appreciative for all those that have been able to assist Gorda in her recovery. She still remains at the vet, and having been there since last Friday she has made fantastic progress! Despite all her infections (ears, eyes, skin) and infestations (fleas, hook worms) that are on the mend she will be ready to start heartworm treatment soon! At first we were nervous about how costly Gorda's (unexpected) recovery journey was going to be, but we had some phenomenally awesome people step up to help this precious girl. If all goes as planned, Gorda will be released to Mommie Erica tomorrow morning at 8am and then this weekend she'll be transported up to St. Augustine where she will be treated and fostered by one of our previous adopters (who just so happens to be a licensed veterinarian herself and operates a vet hospital!) Our hearts beat with gladness and you can't wipe the smile off our faces if you tried! It's times like these where all the "drama" of rescue is all put aside and we are just truly thankful for the collaboration of the general public to help us help bulldogs like Gorda. Pics will be coming soon! Thank you all!
UPDATE: 6-1-12 @ 10am - What a way to start June! Gorda was released from the vet this am and taken straight to the groomers for a little pampering. She'll be off to her new "recovery home" as soon as she can get a ride to St. Augustine, FL! ( If you can help transport Gorda from Coral Springs to St. Augustine, FL please let us know by contacting us on facebook. ( )
Update: 6-2-12 Today was the Big day!
Gorda's Rescue Story!
Posted May 26, 2012 11:03 am
In all my years of rescue, I have never experienced a rescue such as Gorda's. Here's how it all went down: We got a FRANTIC call on our rescue hotline at around 5pm about an English Bullie in major distress!! We were told she was seen wandering (but most likely was dumped) along the side of highway 441 and Prospect Road at about 1pm and was clearly suffering from heat/sun exposure among other obvious (and more than likely not so obvious) medical issues. I was the closest to the location so I immediately left work, dropped everything and went to see if I could help. Here is a picture of what I found when I pulled up.... I took this pic as I approached the location where the 2 men were pointing to, they kept pointing to a heap of bushes and a fallen down chain link fence. I saw nothing but a white blob among the brush (THAT WAS GORDA!) I had to check to see if she was breathing because upon first glance she DID NOT LOOK GOOD AT ALL! She was either so scared or seeking shelter, or a combo of the two, that she had wedged herself so far into the little cramped space that it appeared as if she were actually stuck under the fence, like it had fallen on her. It took a good 15 minutes of baiting her with food & water, as I gained her trust slowly, while the two men both held up the fence above us the whole time. Wearing office attire and high heel shoes, it must have looked like a circus act to passerbys as I crouched in a squatting position among rubble and brush talking to an unseen thing! It took me about 15 mins to coax her into my vehicle, the vehicle that I literally left parked on the side of the road, car running with my emergency flashers on. Oooopps! (I forgot about my car!)
She was completely out of it, I loaded her in my car and rushed her to the vet. PLEASE consider making a donation to help us with this sweet bullie. She is in danger and will need round the clock care until she's stabilized.
It's now the next day and Gorda is doing so much better! She's on the road to recovery! She will be spending at least the next few days at the vet. We discovered that she is in fact micro chipped to a registered owner, but it seems like their information is no longer valid, so we have fulfilled our legal obligation by reporting our "found dog" to the county so that we may declare her officially "our dog" as soon as her legal days are up. She has a major flea infestation, she has a bi-lateral eye infection and open wounds, swollen and infected ears, skin infection, and she is either in heat, pregnant, or has a major infection in her girly part (pet vet). Testing & treatment continue today and thru the weekend. Stay tuned!
PLEASE consider making a donation to help us with Gorda's recovery bills. She has a long, expensive road ahead of her.
We've set up this listing on e-bay if you'd like to bid on a Gorda stuffie to help as well:
UPDATE 5-26-12 @ 12:00pm: As, I type this, the vet just called with some bad news. Gorda is heart-worm positive :( We need to now raise even more $ than expected so she can go thru heart-worm treatment :(
UPDATE 5-31-12 @ 6:00pm: Fabulous News about Gorda, aka. our precious little "Bush Bullie." The outpouring of support has been tremendous & we are so appreciative for all those that have been able to assist Gorda in her recovery. She still remains at the vet, and having been there since last Friday she has made fantastic progress! Despite all her infections (ears, eyes, skin) and infestations (fleas, hook worms) that are on the mend she will be ready to start heartworm treatment soon! At first we were nervous about how costly Gorda's (unexpected) recovery journey was going to be, but we had some phenomenally awesome people step up to help this precious girl. If all goes as planned, Gorda will be released to Mommie Erica tomorrow morning at 8am and then this weekend she'll be transported up to St. Augustine where she will be treated and fostered by one of our previous adopters (who just so happens to be a licensed veterinarian herself and operates a vet hospital!) Our hearts beat with gladness and you can't wipe the smile off our faces if you tried! It's times like these where all the "drama" of rescue is all put aside and we are just truly thankful for the collaboration of the general public to help us help bulldogs like Gorda. Pics will be coming soon! Thank you all!
We may have gotten him on April Fools Day, but this is really no joke....
Posted April 2, 2012 8:50 am